Here are a few questions that have come up. Let us know if you have a question, but can’t find the answer! Contact us!
- What should I bring AND what shouldn’t I bring?
- What if I don’t have any adults coming from my church to the camp?
Minors: We ask that all minors be accompanied by a senior counselor when coming to camp. If there are no senior counselors coming from your church, please contact camp staff by clicking HERE.
- I don’t have a tent. Can I still come to Camp Chi Rho?
Tents: At Camp Chi Rho, we rely on our campers and counselors to provide tents, but no one is required to bring one. If you are willing to bring one, please understand that people from other churches may be staying in your tent. You will be asked about your tent in the registration form. If an entire family is registering, please sign up only once for each tent. We have yet to turn away campers because we don’t have enough tents.